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This website has not been reviewed by the Securities and Futures Commission "SFC" in Hong Kong.
* The representative of the AFC Asia Frontier Fund (non-US) and AFC Vietnam Fund in Switzerland is Hugo Fund Services SA, 6 Cours de Rive, 1204 Geneva. The distribution of Shares in Switzerland must exclusively be made to qualified investors. The place of performance and jurisdiction for Shares in the Fund distributed in Switzerland are at the registered office of the representative.
About AFC Asia Frontier Fund
AFC Asia Frontier Fund is managed by Asia Frontier Investments Limited. The fund aims to achieve long-term capital appreciation for investors by investing in listed equities of companies that have their principal business activities in high-growth Asian frontier markets. The fund primarily focusses on consumer, financial and infrastructure related companies.
Under the direction of CEO and Fund Manager, Thomas Hugger, and Ruchir Desai, co-Fund Manager, the Cayman Islands domiciled fund operates a combination top-down and bottom-up strategy to capture both growth and value opportunities in listed equities. The country universe includes Bangladesh, Bhutan, Cambodia, Georgia, Iraq, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Laos, Maldives, Mongolia, Myanmar (Burma), Nepal, Pakistan, Papua New Guinea, Sri Lanka, Uzbekistan, and Vietnam.
For more information on the fund's performance or to receive our latest fund factsheet and investor presentation please contact
Alternatively, you can find further details using the links on the left.