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Welcome to Asia Frontier Capital

Asia Frontier Capital Ltd. is a pioneer in investing in emerging countries, primarily in Asian countries experiencing high economic growth, and manages funds such as the AFC Vietnam Fund and the AFC Asia Frontier Fund.

The AFC Asia Frontier Fund  invests in stocks in emerging Asian countries where consumption is increasing significantly due to increased demand caused by population growth, rising wage levels, and high GDP growth rates.

The Fund will invest in listed equities of companies primarily operating in Bangladesh, Bhutan, Cambodia, Iraq, Laos, Maldives, Mongolia, Myanmar (Burma), Nepal, Pakistan, Papua New Guinea, Sri Lanka and Vietnam.

The AFC Asia Frontier Fund aims to accurately capture the ongoing changes in the economic conditions of the above countries, diversify its investments, and seek significant profit opportunities.

The fund is led by CEO Thomas Hager, founder of AFC, who has over 20 years of investment experience in emerging markets in Asia and Africa.

The AFC Vietnam Fund was established on December 11, 2013 and is co-managed by Thomas Hager, Andreas Karal and Andreas Vogelsanger, who have over 75 years of combined investment experience in Asian and global emerging markets.

The fund invests in Vietnamese listed stocks, with a particular focus on small and mid-cap stocks that are showing rapid growth.

The fund's CIO, Andreas Karal, has identified over 100 stocks trading at a price-to-book ratio (BER) of around 1, despite having a price-to-earnings ratio (P/E) of 6-7. Many of these companies also have dividend yields of 9% or more and hold cash reserves roughly equal to their market capitalization.

For further enquiries regarding the fund, the team or our investment strategy, please contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .

This website is not intended for residents of Japan, nor does it recommend investment or sales of any foreign funds domiciled in Japan.

AFC Asian Frontier Fund

Fund Performance (Net) - Class A USD


Asia Frontier Capital Ltd. is a Cayman Islands-registered investment management company that solicits investments in open-ended funds. The Cayman Islands-based funds include the AFC Asia Frontier Fund, which is only for US investors, and the AFC Asia Frontier Fund (Non-US), which is only for non-US investors.

The fund is open for investment every month, with the deadline being five business days before the end of each month. There are two share classes, and the investment currencies are US dollars, Swiss francs and euros.

To apply to invest in the fund or for more information, please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .

 Class AClass B
Trust Fee 1.8% of the base price (annual rate) 1.5% of the base price (annual rate)
成功報酬 If the rate exceeds USD LIBOR +2% for three months, 10% of the increase in the unit price, high water mark method If the rate exceeds USD LIBOR +2% for three months, 8% of the increase in the unit price, high water mark method
Purchase Application Five business days before the end of each month Five business days before the end of each month
Cancellation request 90 Days Notice - Monthly, Net Asset Value Based 180 Days Notice - Monthly, Net Asset Value Based
Fund Base Currency US Dollar, Euro, Swiss Franc US Dollar, Euro, Swiss Franc
Minimum initial investment: USD Share - 25,000 USD USD Share - 25,000 USD
Euroshare – 25,000 Euro Euroshare – 25,000 Euro
Swiss Franc Share - 25,000 CHF Swiss Franc Share - 25,000 CHF
Last day of each month Last day of each month Last day of each month

AFC Vietnam Fund

Fund Performance ( Net ) - Class A  USD



Asia Frontier Capital (Vietnam) Limited is the investment manager for the Cayman Islands-registered AFC Vietnam Fund.
The fund invests in small and medium-sized companies with high growth potential, aiming for long-term asset growth.

AFC Vietnam Fund is co-managed by Thomas Hager, Andreas Karal and Andreas Vogelsanger,
a team with over 75 years of combined investment experience and extensive operational experience across Asia in Cambodia, Hong Kong, Singapore, Sri Lanka and Thailand.

To apply to invest in the fund or for more information, please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .

 Class C
Trust Fee 1.8% of the base price (annual rate)
Success Rewards 12.5% ​​of the base price, high water mark method
Purchase Application Five business days before the end of each month
Cancellation request 60 Days Notice - Monthly, NAV based
Fund Base Currency USD
Minimum initial investment: 10,000 USD
Evaluation date Last day of each month

Contact AFC

Asia Frontier Capital Ltd.
89 Nexus Way
Camana Bay
Grand Cayman KY1-9009
Cayman Islands

Address :
Asia Frontier Investments Limited
1805, 18/F, Hing Yip Commercial Center
272-284 Des Voeux Road Central
Hong Kong
Phone: +852 3904 1015
Fax: +852 3904 1017
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Sheung Wan Station ( MTR Island Line ), Exit A1

Asia Frontier Investments Ltd. is registered with the Hong Kong Securities and Futures Commission (SFC) under Type 4 (Advising on Securities) and Type 9 (Asset Management).

AFC Asia Frontier Fund invests in Asian emerging market stocks where consumption is increasing due to rising population, rising wages, and high GDP growth rates. The fund invests in listed stocks of companies that are primarily operating in Bangladesh, Bhutan, Cambodia, Iraq, Laos, Maldives, Mongolia, Myanmar ( Burma ) , Nepal, Pakistan, Papua New Guinea, Sri Lanka, and Vietnam. AFC Asia Frontier Fund accurately captures the ongoing changes in the economic situation in these countries and aims to diversify its investments to capture large profit opportunities. The fund's CEO is Thomas Hager, founder of AFC, who has more than 20 years of investment experience in emerging markets in Asia and Africa .


Cancellation request


Cancellation request