
AFC Iraq Fund Performance

Net Fund Performance - USD - Net


AFC Iraq Fund

NAV as of 31st January 2025

  Class D Class E
NAV 2,038.59 2,119.34
Since Inception 103.86% 111.93%
Inception Date 26/06/2015 26/06/2015

Monthly Performance AFC Iraq Fund Class D USD

2015           +0.00% -7.92% -5.20% -2.20% -7.00% -3.39% +0.56% -22.86%
2016 -9.71% -4.31% -5.85% -2.73% -8.59% +7.29% -1.92% -3.28% +0.55% +1.91% +0.53% +4.83% -20.50%
2017 +10.94% -0.14% -10.64% -2.65% -3.14% -5.94% +1.72%  +1.17% -1.81% -2.61% +5.23% +1.75% -7.48%
2018 +6.33% +18.38% +0.46% -2.89% -2.16% -2.50% +1.04% -5.37% -7.09% -4.82% +5.27% -0.65% +3.60%
2019 -0.44% -7.48% -0.90% +3.74%  +12.74% -0.85% -2.44% -0.10% +3.95% -2.04% +0.77% +0.78% +6.68%
2020 -4.75% -5.72% -7.11% -11.26% +10.17% +3.97% +11.40%  +2.50% -1.55% -2.10%  +2.37% -5.56% -9.80%
2021 -5.20% +19.34% +4.72% +6.99% -2.51% +7.28% -3.30% +4.98%  -3.12% +6.21% -18.89% +9.09% +22.51%
2022 +7.41% +2.45% +5.48% -8.21% -7.06% +6.73% -8.93% +2.62% +5.16% -0.81% -4.52% -0.23% -1.87%
2023 -0.51% +23.27% +4.12% +15.85% -11.45% +5.78% +7.92% +16.84% +8.96% -1.35% +5.13% +6.55% +110.37%
2024 +9.95% +0.44% -5.33% +14.19% +0.11% -2.07% -1.31% -4.56% +11.55% +12.36% +2.81% +1.01% +43.49%
2025 -0.68%                       -0.68%

Monthly Performance AFC Iraq Fund Class E USD

2015           +0.00% -7.89% -5.17% -2.18% -6.98% -3.37% +0.59% -22.74%
2016 -9.69% -4.29% -5.83% -2.71% -8.57% +7.32% -1.89% -3.25% +0.57% +1.94% +0.56% +4.86% -20.26%
2017 +10.97% -0.11% -10.61%  -2.63%  -3.12% -5.92% +1.75% +1.20% -1.79%  -2.59% +5.26% +1.77% -7.20%
2018 +6.35%  +18.41% +0.49% -2.86% -2.14% -2.48% +1.07% -5.35% -7.06% -4.80% +5.30% -0.63% +3.91%
2019 -0.42% -7.46% -0.88% +3.77% +12.77%  -0.83% -2.42% -0.07% +3.97% -2.01% +0.79% +0.80% +7.00%
2020 -4.73% -5.70% -7.08% -11.23% +10.19% +3.99% +11.42% +2.52% -1.53% -2.08%   +2.40% -5.54% -9.53%
2021 -5.18% +19.37% +4.75% +7.02% -2.49% +7.30% -3.27%  +5.00% -3.10%  +6.23% -18.87% +9.11% +22.88%
2022 +7.43% +2.47% +5.50% -8.19% -7.04% +6.75% -8.91% +2.65% +5.18% -0.78% -4.49% -0.21% -1.58%
2023 -0.49% +23.30% +4.14% +14.17% -10.10% +5.08% +7.09% +17.62% +9.33% -1.33% +5.29% +6.81% +110.60%
2024 +10.34% +0.47% -5.49% +14.73% +0.13% -2.11% -1.28% -4.54% +11.76% +12.83% +2.93% +1.07% +45.66%
2025 -0.66%                       -0.66%


 Securities Numbers: AFC Iraq Fund
 Class DClass E
ISIN  KYG0132A1682  KYG0132A1765
CUSIP  G0132A 168   G0132A 176
Valoren  28883562  28883205
Risk Classification for Hong Kong Investors  High Risk

AFC Iraq Fund (non-US)

NAV as of 31st January 2025

  Class D Class E
NAV 2,038.59 2,119.34
Since Inception 103.86% 111.93%
Inception Date 26/06/2015 26/06/2015

Monthly Performance AFC Iraq Fund (non-US) Class D USD

2015           +0.00% -7.92% -5.20% -2.20% -7.00% -3.39% +0.56% -22.86%
2016 -9.71% -4.31% -5.85% -2.73% -8.59% +7.29% -1.92% -3.28% +0.55% +1.91% +0.53% +4.83% -20.50%
2017 +10.94% -0.14%  -10.64% -2.65% -3.14% -5.94% +1.72% +1.17% -1.81%  -2.61% +5.23%  +1.75% -7.48%
2018 +6.33% +18.38% +0.46% -2.89% -2.16% -2.50% +1.04% -5.37% -7.09% -4.82% +5.27% -0.65% +3.60%
2019 -0.44% -7.48% -0.90% +3.74% +12.74%  -0.85% -2.44% -0.10% +3.95%  -2.04% +0.77% +0.78% +6.68%
2020 -4.75% -5.72% -7.11% -11.26% +10.17% +3.97% +11.40% +2.50% -1.55%  -2.10% +2.37% -5.56% -9.80%
2021 -5.20% +19.34% +4.72% +6.99% -2.51% +7.28% -3.30%  +4.98% -3.12%  +6.21% -18.89% +9.09% +22.51%
2022 +7.41% +2.45% +5.48% -8.21% -7.06% +6.73% -8.93% +2.62% +5.16% -0.81% -4.52% -0.23% -1.87%
2023 -0.51% +23.27% +4.12% +15.85% -11.45% +5.78% +7.92% +16.84% +8.96% -1.35% +5.13% +6.55% +110.37%
2024 +9.95% +0.44% -5.33% +14.19% +0.11% -2.07% -1.31% -4.56% +11.55% +12.36% +2.81% +1.01% +43.49%
2025 -0.68%                       -0.68%

Monthly Performance AFC Iraq Fund (non-US) Class E USD

2015 +0.00% -7.89% -5.17% -2.18% -6.98% -3.37% +0.59% -22.74%
2016 -9.69% -4.29% -5.83% -2.71% -8.57% +7.32% -1.89% -3.25% +0.57% +1.94% +0.56% +4.86% -20.26%
2017 +10.97% -0.11%  -10.61%  -2.63% -3.12% -5.92% +1.75% +1.75%
-1.79%  -2.59% +5.26% +1.77%  -7.20%
2018 +6.35% +18.41% +0.49%  -2.86% -2.14% -2.48% +1.07% -5.35% -7.06% -4.80% +5.30% -0.63% +3.91%
2019 -0.42% -7.46% -0.88% +3.77% +12.77%  -0.83% -2.42% -0.07% +3.97% -2.01% +0.79% +0.80% +7.00%
2020 -4.73%  -5.70% -7.08% -11.23% +10.19% +3.99% +11.42% +2.52% -1.53%   -2.08%  +2.40% -5.54% -9.53%
2021 -5.18% +19.37% +4.75% +7.02% -2.49% +7.30% -3.27%  +5.00% -3.10%  +6.23% -18.87% +9.11% +22.88%
2022 +7.43% +2.47% +5.50% -8.19% -7.04% +6.75% -8.91% +2.65% +5.18% -0.78% -4.49% -0.21% -1.58%
2023 -0.49% +23.30% +4.14% +14.17% -10.10% +5.08% +7.09% +17.62% +9.33% -1.33% +5.29% +6.81% +110.60%
2024 +10.34% +0.47% -5.49% +14.73% +0.13% -2.11% -1.28% -4.54% +11.76% +12.83% +2.93% +1.07% +45.66%
2025 -0.66%                       -0.66%


 Security Numbers: AFC Iraq Fund (non-US)
 Class DClass E
ISIN  KYG0133A1756  KYG0133A1830 
CUSIP  G0133A 175   G0133A183 
Valoren  28570227  28881954 
Risk Classification for Hong Kong Investors  High Risk


* By accessing information contained herein, users are deemed to be representing and warranting that they are either a Hong Kong Professional Investor or are observing the applicable laws and regulations of their relevant jurisdictions.

** The AFC Iraq Fund is registered for sale to investors in Switzerland (qualified investors), Hong Kong & UK (professional investors), Singapore (accredited investors) and USA (accredited investors and qualified purchasers).

*** For Switzerland only: This is an advertising document. The state of the origin of the fund is the Cayman Islands. This document may only be provided to qualified investors within the meaning of art. 10 para. 3 and 3ter CISA. In Switzerland, the representative is Acolin Fund Services AG, Maintower, Thurgauerstrasse 36/38, 8050 Zurich, Switzerland, whilst the paying agent is NPB Neue Privat Bank AG, Limmatquai 1 / am Bellevue, 8024 Zurich, Switzerland. The basic documents of the fund report may be obtained free of charge from the representative. Past performance is no indication of current or future performance. The performance data do not take account of the commissions, if any, and fund transfer costs incurred on the issue and redemption of units.