December saw the conclusion of a challenging year for performance in the Uzbek market as equity prices broadly drifted lower...
November saw the conclusion of the government's sell down of a minority stake in the Uzbek Commodity Exchange (TSE: URTS)...
In October, we received further positive news regarding the partial sell-down of the Uzbek CommodityExchange (TSE: URTS) by the Uzbek government...
September saw some renewed capital markets news...
August saw a rebound in volume in some of the fund’s holdings...
July was a frustrating month for the fund as market liquidity came to a near standstill as sellers had virtually no bids to hit...
June was a tranquil month in terms of economic and capital markets...
The month of May saw some new buyers active in the market...
April saw a continued slew of announcements from Chinese investors as well as an announced plan...
March saw continued moderate selling among local investors in the market...
February was another month of muted market activity where buyers were largely absent from themarket,...
January saw more 2023 annual statistics published which were all very positive...